
화물용 엘리베이터는 공장과 철도역등 외에 생산관계, 유통창고 관계로부터 냉장고용, 백화점용까지 폭넓은 범위에 이용되고 있다. 공장에 있어서 운반은 크레인과 호이스트등에 비교해서 비상시 높은 안전성과 사용상의 편리함이 특징이다. 적재하중은 유효 바닥면적 1m에 250kg 이상으로 한다.
일반적으로 속도 45/min 이하의 것이 많이 이용되고 있다.
또한 초소형에서 10ton 이상 초대형 용량까지 다양한 규격, 운행환경에 따른 방폭, 방진, 방습 등에 따라 제작, 설치 됩니다.

출입구(Entrance) 형태
문(Door) 도장 강판재 스테인레스 헤어라인
열림 방식 상방향 3매문 열림 방식(Sliding Open) 상방향 2매문 열림 방식(Up Sliding Open)
문틀(Jamb) 도장강판재 스테인레스 헤어라인 마감
문턱(Hatch Sill) 무늬강판 무늬강판
내부(Car) 형태
천장(Ceiling) 강판도장재, 형광등 직접조명
벽체(Panel) 강판도장재
바닥재(Floor) 무늬강판
기타 출입구 안전 센서 설치

화물용 엘리베이터(유압식)

규격표 (상승 개폐형)
출입구 폭(Entance Width) 승강로 규격(Hoistway)
기계실규격(Machine Room)
최상층높이(Over Head) 피트(Pit) MOTOR(kw)
1,700×1,650 1,700 2,450×2,100 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 7.5
1,850×1,850 1,850 2,600×2,300 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 11
2,100×2,200 2,100 2,850×2,850 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 14.5
2,200×2,350 2,200 3,050×2,950 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 19
2,800×2,800 2,800 3,650×3,400 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 24
2,800×3,400 2,800 3,650×3,850 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 29
표준규격표 (일방 개폐형)
출입구 폭(Entance Width) 승강로 규격(Hoistway)
기계실규격(Machine Room)
최상층높이(Over Head) 피트(Pit) MOTOR(kw)
1,400×2,000 1,100 2,150×2,550 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 7.5
1,800×2,000 1,100 2,600×2,550 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 11
1,800×2,400 1,300 2,600×2,950 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 15
2,200×2,600 1,300 3,000×3,150 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 19

화물용 엘리베이터(로프식)

출입구 폭(Entance Width) 승강로 규격(Hoistway)
기계실규격(Machine Room)
기계높이(Machine Room Height) 최상층높이(Over Head) 피트(Pit) MOTOR(kw)
1,700×1,650 1,700 2,450×2,100 2,800×3,200 2,500 4,500 1,500 5.5
1,850×1,850 1,850 2,650×2,300 3,200×3,500 2,500 4,500 1,500 5.5
2,100×2,200 2,100 2,900×2,650 3,200×3,500 2,500 4,500 1,500 7.5
2,200×2,350 2,200 3,050×2,800 3,300×3,500 2,500 4,500 1,500 11
2,800×2,800 2,800 3,700×3,250 3,900×3,500 2,500 4,500 1,500 15
2,800×3,400 2,800 3,700×3,850 4,000×4,000 2,500 4,500 1,500 19

* 상기 적용기준은 현장 여건에 따라 변경될수 있음.

The freight elevator is widely used for production relation, distribution storage relation, refrigerators and department stores, besides factories and railway stations. For factories, transportation features higher safety in emergency and use convenience compared to cranes and hoists.
Live load should be 150kg or more per 1m of valid floor area.
In general, ones with speed 45/min or less are usually used.
Furthermore, it is manufactured and installed according to various standards from subminiature capacity to supersize capacity of 10 ton or more and explosion-proofing, dustproofing and damp-proofing by operating environment.

Entrance shape
Door Painting steel plate stainless hairline
Opening Type Up-sliding Three-panel Open Door Mode(Sliding Open) Up-sliding Two-panel Open Door Mode(Up Sliding Open)
Jamb painting steel plate the close of the stainless hairline
Hatch Sill patterned steel plate patterned steel plate
Inside(Car) shape
Ceiling steel plate painting materials, fluorescent light direct lighting
Panel steel plate painting materials
Floor patterned steel plate
etc. exit/entrance safety sensor installed

Freight Elevator(Hydraulic type)

Specification table (top opening type)
CAGE Internal
Entance Width Hoistway
Machine Room
Over Head Pit MOTOR(kw)
1,700×1,650 1,700 2,450×2,100 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 7.5
1,850×1,850 1,850 2,600×2,300 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 11
2,100×2,200 2,100 2,850×2,850 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 14.5
2,200×2,350 2,200 3,050×2,950 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 19
2,800×2,800 2,800 3,650×3,400 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 24
2,800×3,400 2,800 3,650×3,850 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 29
Standard Specification table (One-way opening type)
CAGE Internal
Entance Width Hoistway
Machine Room
Over Head Pit MOTOR(kw)
1,400×2,000 1,100 2,150×2,550 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 7.5
1,800×2,000 1,100 2,600×2,550 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 11
1,800×2,400 1,300 2,600×2,950 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 15
2,200×2,600 1,300 3,000×3,150 2,500×3,000 4,800 1,500 19

Freight Elevator(Rope type)

Standard Specification table
CAGE Internal
Entance Width Hoistway
Machine Room
Machine Room Height Over Head Pit MOTOR(kw)
1,700×1,650 1,700 2,450×2,100 2,800×3,200 2,500 4,500 1,500 5.5
1,850×1,850 1,850 2,650×2,300 3,200×3,500 2,500 4,500 1,500 5.5
2,100×2,200 2,100 2,900×2,650 3,200×3,500 2,500 4,500 1,500 7.5
2,200×2,350 2,200 3,050×2,800 3,300×3,500 2,500 4,500 1,500 11
2,800×2,800 2,800 3,700×3,250 3,900×3,500 2,500 4,500 1,500 15
2,800×3,400 2,800 3,700×3,850 4,000×4,000 2,500 4,500 1,500 19

* The above application standards may change according to the site conditions.